PromarkerD significantly outperforms current standard of care tests in predicting future kidney function decline
Study shows PromarkerD is significantly better than current standard of care tests eGFR and ACR for predicting future decline in kidney function in patients with type 2 diabetes. For patients whose kidney function did not decline, PromarkerD demonstrated a higher “ruleout” rate and considerably less false positives than standard of care testing.
PromarkerD predictive testing for diabetic kidney disease could reduce the risk of dialysis or kidney transplant leading to significant cost savings for healthcare systems
The research, presented today at ASN Kidney Week 2021, compared the PromarkerD test to current standard of care tests. The study updates and extends previous analysis [ASX:PIQ 10 and 17 September 2019] and constitutes a core body of evidence underpinning the performance of PromarkerD for submissions to global regulators.